Social Computing Final Project

To connect what you learn in this course to your current experiences and given the high relevance of social computing topics to what is happening during the pandemic, the topic of your final project focuses on How Social Computing Technologies can Support Individuals and/or Communities during a Pandemic. Within this general theme, you can decide the focus of your project.

You have three options in terms of methods to use in your project. Your methods can be a combination of two of these as well (they often do):

Team formation

There is a strong evidence that teams with diversity of experiences, demographics, and skills perform better. In forming your team, consider these factors. To accomodate the pandemic circumstances, I recommend smaller teams of two or three members. There will be support provided by the instructor to help you form your teams.


Deadlines for each item is posted in the syllabus of the class

  1. Idea generation

    Each student is required to submit 2 ideas for projects. For all qualified ideas (reviewed by the instructor), all the students will then vote on how interesting, how relevant, and how feasible each idea is. Therefore, using the process of collective wisdom of the class, we then pick the most interesting and most feasible topics. You do not have to work on the idea you proposed if you like another idea better.

  2. Initial project proposal

    Your team need to provide a one-page project proposal which should include a brief description of the idea, the project methods, resources needed to complete the project, and the responsibility of each team member

  3. Midterm progress report

    A 15 min presentation to report on the progress of the project, receive feedback on the progress, and discuss any challenges faced to complete the project

  4. Final project pitch, a poster, and a final report

  5. Final report

    Final report inculding details of the project not covered in the poster, e.g. details of data and data collection.