This course provides an introduction to the field of social computing. The course involves interdisciplinary topics, drawing from the fields of Computing and Information as well as Humanities, and Social Sciences. It covers key theories and technologies of social computing in terms of (1) computationals systems that shape and support social behavior and interactions and (2) socially intelligent computing carried out by groups. Students will have a chance to explore theories, methods, and tools used to analyze and design social computing systems, including social media, collaborative technologies, and online communities. The course emphasizes the bidirectional impact of technology on social processes and how social factors can influence the design and use of technology. The course follows a very interactive format and includes in-class activities that are integrated within each lecture. Students' participation in the classes and activities play an important role in their learning of the courses materials; therefore, they are highly encouraged not to miss classes.


This course does not assume any particular prerequisites. However, this is a graduate course which assumes critical thinking, desire to learn and being challenged with new topics, and hard work.


We will be reading excerpts from a large number of books and articles. Links to electronic copies are provided.



Email or online meetings by appointment:

Learning Objectives:


12024-08-28Introduction and OverviewCourse logistics and requirements
Overview of Social Computing, History, Evolution
22024-09-04Theoretical foundations: social network theories
Networks: definition, metrics
Social networks: Design, Technology, Features, and Impacts
Social networks analysis: Why and How
32024-09-11Theoretical foundations: Information DiffusionModels of information diffusion
Case study analysis
42024-09-18Theoretical foundations: Social capitalDefinitions and measures
Role of social technologies on social capital
52024-09-25Theoretical foundations: social behavior theoriesTheories of personal behavior
Theories of social behaviors
Mass communication theories
62024-10-02Project topic and team formation Instructor will provide feedback for each team on the general idea, methods, and plan of their project
Project ideas due
72024-10-09Social softwareWhat is social software?
Connecting people through technology
Open source software development
Reading assignment 1: in-class presentation (Harris, C., Johnson, A. G., Palmer, S., Yang, D., & Bruckman, A. (2023). "Honestly, I Think TikTok has a Vendetta Against Black Creators": Understanding Black Content Creator Experiences on TikTok. Proceedings of the CSCW conference)
82024-10-16Midterm examTopics: theoretical foundations
92024-10-23Virtual WorldsDesigning virtual worlds
Virtual identity
102024-10-30Collaborative TechnologiesTeam communication
Computer supported collaboration tools
Content sharing
Team communication in virutal worlds
Reading assignment 2: in-class presentation (Weld, G., Zhang, A. X., & Althoff, T. (2024, May). Making online communities ‘better’: a taxonomy of community values on reddit. In Proceedings of the International AAAI Conference on Web and Social Media.)
112024-11-06Social data analysisVisualization and sense-making of social data
Social and collaborative exploration of data
Collecting social traces
Social media APIs
122024-11-13No lectureProject work time
132024-11-20Socially intelligent computingCollective intelligence
Content based recommender systems
Collaborative filtering recommender systems
Social data analysis assignment due
142024-11-27No classThanksgiving break
152024-12-04Social computing: ethics and societal impactImpact on physical and psychological well-being
Social computing for social good
Ethics and privacy in social computing
162024-12-11Final projectFinal project presentations and report


Academic Integrity: You are expected to be fully aware of your responsibility to maintain a high quality of integrity in all of your work. All work must be your own, unless collaboration is specifically and explicitly permitted as in the course group project. Any unauthorized collaboration or copying will at minimum result in no credit for the affected assignment and may be subject to further action under the University Guidelines for Academic Integrity. You are expected to have read and understood these Guidelines. A document discussing these guidelines was included in your orientation materials.

Attendance: Class attendance, while not mandatory, is required if you want to succeed in this course, especially since the course does not have any course book and involves a lot of in-class discussions. If you have missed the lecture, make sure that you have a copy of the slides. All the lecture materials will be uploaded online. The in-class activities are engineered to encourage your attendance.

Late Submissions: Every student has a total of 3 days late-submission quota to use on your assignments; i.e. you can submit one assignment 3 days late and you will be ok, or you can submit 3 assignment each 1 day late and you will be ok. Late submission cannot be accepted for assignments that require in-class presentation

Concerning Students with Disabilities: If you have a disability for which you are or may be requesting an accommodation, you are encouraged to contact both your instructor and Disability Resources and Services, 216 William Pitt Union, (412) 648-7890/(412) 383-7355 (TTY), as early as possible in the term. DRS will verify your disability and determine reasonable accommodations for this course.

An important note on plagiarism: Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Students caught cheating or plagiarizing will receive no credit for the assignment on which the cheating occurred. Additional actions -- including assigning the student a failing grade in the class or referring the case for disciplinary action -- may be taken at the discretion of the instructors. You may incorporate excerpts from publications by other authors, but they must be clearly marked as quotations and properly attributed. You may obtain copy editing assistance, and you may discuss your ideas with others, but all substantive writing and ideas must be your own or else be explicitly attributed to another, using a citation sufficiently detailed for someone else to easily locate your source.